Herbal Supplement to Make You Feel That Lola Cares

Hello po! During this unprecedented period (at least in our lifetime), we need strengthened immunity more than ever. And what better way to increase our body's natural defense than with tried and tested herbs. The wisdom behind it was passed from generations and this you can get conveniently with every sachet of Lola Remedios!

lola remedios food supplement review

The first time I encountered Lola Remedios syrup was in the prescription counter of a popular drugstore chain. Being a new product, it intrigued me. While waiting for my order, I read its description and was amazed with its beneficial ingredients, and so I bought a couple to try for myself.

The price is very affordable - only Php 10 per 15ml sachet. It's made in Indonesia. FDA approved.

Recommended usage: 1 - 3 sachets a day.

lola remedios ingredients
Just shake, tear, and drink!

The all-natural ingredients of Lola Remedios include:

  • ginger - easing cold or flu, reducing inflammation
  • honey - phytonutrient powerhouse, antibacterial, antifungal
  • fennel - immune health, tissue repair
  • clove - high in antioxidants, protect against cancer
  • mint - improves digestion, relieves nausea

The taste is sweet, menthol and herbal. It gives warmth to the throat and the sense of instant relief.

Gloria Romero, Pilita Corrales, and Nova Villa.The face of Lola Remedios, Grandmothers Gloria Romero, Pilita Corrales, and Nova Villa.

Let's keep ourselves healthy and avoid the flu by keeping a safe distance from other people, wearing face mask, frequent sanitizing and handwashing, getting enough sunlight, eating fresh veggies and fruits, plus regular intake of  vitamins and herbal preparations like Lola Remedios.

Mabigat na pakiramdam ngunit wala namang sakit? Baka LAMIG yan! Get yourself a Lola Remedios food supplement syrup now. Thanks for reading! :)


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