Advice for Sick Cats and Alternative Idea for Animal Welfare

I am writing this animal/pet blog post as advice for those who may need it.

One of my rescued kitten, Ponkan, got sick with LBM (loose bowel movement) and eye malady, so I was very worried. You see, recently one of the kittens just died a few minutes after eating fish! The other cats all ate the same food from the same pot, but only this one was affected.

Let's be realistic- not everyone can afford bringing their pets to a vet! Heck, some people die without even receiving medical attention! But I would always say, make a way for your loved ones! The best decision still is to bring your sick pets/companion animals to a vet ASAP!!!

animal blogger philippines, pet blogger philippines, vibravet, tobramycin,

So I brought him to the clinic. Consultation in FCAC is Php 300. Ponkan was very behaved throughout the visit.

We found out that aside from his LBM (he was dripping poop all over the house giving me a very hard time but it's okay coz me loves him but the hubby on the other hand-well, it's a different story) and eye infection, he had fever.

Here are tips we got from the vet:
  • Give vitamins everyday (currently on Doggy Doggy 120ml, Php 169.75 ), especially ones with taurine because it is good for the eyes.
  • Don't give milk to cats with diarrhea.
  • Like a growing baby, feed the kitten as often as he/she wants to eat.
  • You know he/she is pale by looking at the nose and ears
  • Strays are much more sickly because of emotional anxiety or depression. You see, kitties- even when they are older and bigger- still likes to snuggle with mama cat.
Medicine prescribed:
  • She injected him on the spot with antibiotics (Php 150).
  • Recommended to return for purge/deworming after bout with antibiotics.
  • VibraVet (bought for Php 260) once a day for 5 days- At first she RX Scour syrup but then she recommended the more expensive VibraVet, saying it is easier to administer. I asked won't the cat vomit it out like the scour syrup (I had used the highly effective scour syrup during a past experience with a different sick cat), and she said "No." But I found out that yes indeed, the cat still hates VibraVet and spits it out whole. I was disappointed- it was like staring at the paste on the floor with price tag on it. So I tricked the cat into eating VibraVet by wiping it into a fish and then covering it with sweet vitamin syrup.
  • Tobramycin (priced Php 260) 2-3x a day- This drops is like water. I used another eye medicine before but that one was in ointment form.


I have switched their diet to dry cat food or pellets and used the medicine. Progress seen after about a couple of days. Better eyes, no more LBM. LBM resumed on the 4th day when I fed him cooked fresh fish wiped with VibraVet paste since he had been spitting out this medicine. (I also notice the poop is soft whenever chicken meat is fed.)

Oh! This is sad because I want to give them mainly real food with just a little amount of dry cat food, I don't want to put them on a strict dried-up-full-of-preservatives-and-artificial-ingredients kibble diet!

Even though we are poor and without support from anyone, our family has rescued and is housing multiple cats and dogs. I just want to encourage everyone to make a difference and extend your assistance to our fellow Earthlings who can't talk-

Rescue strays, adopt from shelters, share information to spread awareness, donate money or extend assistance in the form of volunteerism to animal welfare/rescue groups! 

If only I was in position I would ban shelter killings, impose trap spay neuter release instead, offer owners free rabies vaccine and free spay/neuter to their pets, imprison abusive breeders and put cat/dog food stalls in various locations so no animal will ever go hungry again! Almost all politicians steal crazy amounts of money seeing they are getting richer and richer!


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