My Current Skin Care Routine (August 2019)

Hello frens! I know it's been a while since I last posted an entry here. As a matter of fact, ants had already set up residence in my laptop and they are crawling out of the keyboard as I type. I wouldn't even try to make an excuse and say I was busy. Heck, the truth was I just felt lazy. Well anyway, now that I feel like blogging again, I'll be sharing my current skin care routine.

Althea green tea, Althea Sunaway or Skin MD cream, A'Pieu green as base and either Althea concealer or Peripera cushion, and Tony Moly Panda eye base when I remember.    Then scinic Coco Nut or Dermax Bamboo Micellar,  Althea Real Fresh, a:t fox toner pads, hbc Skin Md perfecting cream alternate with Nacific Phyto Niacin, Jardin face roller after, Elizavecca white bomb eye cream, Eye Flower serum for the brows and lashes when I feel like applying, Burt's Bees honey lip balm, and Katialis for the occasional blemish (I used to be allergic to this- my skin would be red whenever it touches this, but now it is well tolerated), finally Rire all kill brush cleanser

Late last year my skin went bonkers as it really usually does around December (y'know change in weather). I also halted my glutathione supplement intake during this time.

All was going well but then I developed painful acne along my jawline! Blaming the hormones as it was in that area. But then I had maybe 3 laser sessions done so it could be possible that it purged and brought the acne to the surface.

Anyway, when the zits had healed (yep, popped some of them tho I know it is bad, couldn't help it!), they left really dark marks that even concealers cannot hide them! So I suffered and just used ehem photo filter. Now they are almost gone.

I used different products throughout but here is my current skin care routine:

In the morning, Althea green tea (AM and PM facial wash), when at home I use Althea Sunaway or Skin MD cream or nothing to let my skin breathe, but when going out A'Pieu green as base and either Althea concealer or Peripera cushion, and Tony Moly Panda eye base when I remember. (I know that the primer, concealer, and bb cream are considered make up and not skin care, but included it here since they do not seem to make me breakout).

Then every night, if I wore makeup, I remove it first with either Scinic Coco Nut or Dermax Bamboo Micellar, wash with Althea Real Fresh, a:t fox toner pads, hbc Skin Md perfecting cream alternate with Nacific Phyto Niacin and massage it in with Jardin face roller after (DON'T FORGET THE NECK!), Elizavecca white bomb eye cream, follow with Eye Flower serum for the brows and lashes when I feel like applying, Burt's Bees honey lip balm, and Katialis for the occasional blemish, finally Rire All Kill Brush Cleanser all over the face once a week.

I only occasionally use masks (different brands).

A pleasant surprise is hbc Skin MD cream! I didn't breakout with this moisturizer despite it having coconut oil as an ingredient and I noticed whiter, softer skin as early as the very first use! But I must note that when I was starting with the hbc cream it always made a pustule appear in my nose, y'know the little bump with pus that is ready to burst, so I skipped, and when I applied in the nose again a new zit would appear there, so now I tend to avoid using that cream in the nose area. I remember my HS days with Pond's pink cream way back. It made the rest of my face fair but brought blackheads all over my nose!

I have to add, I used to be allergic to Katialis- my skin would turn red whenever it touches this, but now it is well tolerated. Good thing because it is way cheaper than other blemish creams!

Another factor I think that helped clear my skin is I had a high fever (41) and so all the sweating and very hot temperature kinda detoxed my face and possibly killed skin mites too plus I also took antibiotics as prescribed by the doctor!

Immediately before all these, I had face peeling using Olivia Quido blemish eraser. It was a dark cream I applied at night and yes it caused unsightly peeling the next days but never mind! It dried the pimples and allowed fresher skin to appear! I rested my face for a couple of days then proceeded with the above mentioned routine.

Now my skin looks much smoother with these products. Though what I think the top 3 products that really made a difference are Althea Skin Detoxer Green Tea, Skin MD cream, and a:t fox Tea Cell one step! Share your skin emergency rescuers too. Thanks for reading! :)


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